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Hàng hóaHàng tìm thấy: 3264

24,682,000 đ
Product Features Four stage filter provides complete spectrum of air cleaning, helping remove sub-micron particles, noxious gases and chemicals....
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25,225,000 đ
Product description The Austin Air HealthMate Jr.+ is the smaller version of the HealthMate+, the top Austin Air unit. Manufacturer rated for...
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14,371,000 đ
Product Features Replacement filter for Austin Air model Healthmate Plus HM450. Black Pre-Filter included for your black, silver, or midnight blue...
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28,881,000 đ
Product Features Designed for people living in smaller spaces who are chemically sensitive, or those living in high particle and gas contamination areas...
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16,253,000 đ
Product Features Designed specifically for allergy and asthma Relief Special filtration for removing allergens, chemicals and gases from the air...
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24,916,000 đ
Product Features Ideal for allergy/asthma sufferers. Cleans Up to 1500 sq. ft. efficiently. 60 sq. ft. medical HEPA. Strategically paced military carbon...
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31,666,000 đ
Product Features Bedroom Machine Product description The National Sleep Foundation Bedroom Machine Air Cleaner is the most advanced...
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30,029,000 đ
Product Features Contains the most sophisticated, proven technologies packaged to deliver the most exceptional clean indoor air unequal in the industry...
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31,847,000 đ
Product Features Contains the most sophisticated, proven technologies packaged to deliver the most exceptional clean indoor air unequal in the industry...
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